Wj-software: llegan los jinetes de la web

workshop & mesa redonda & performance

Podeis usar vuestros equipos o los de Bilbaoarte. No hacen falta conocimientos técnicos específicos: está dirigido a creadores/as de todas las disciplinas, internautas y todo tipo de mutantes web. Maximo 10 participantes.
>> Mesa redonda sobre creación en red:
con los creadores de Wj-software (Anne Roquigny y Stéphane Kyles), Solu (aka Mia Makela), Luis André, Natxo Rodriguez y yo misma, Ptqk.
>> Performance en directo con Wj-software:
Artistas invitados: Solu + espontaneos/as del seminario
No os lo perdais, va a estar de puta madre.
Más informacion

Mk: Would you like to tell me about WJS project, How it started, from which basic idea or personal need?
Anne Roquigny: "WJ-s" is a software and a flexible, high speed connexion public device for web performances which allow actors of the Internet, sound and image artists, netartists, bloggers, graphic designers, flashers, programmers, curators, hacktivists, newmedia theorists, pioneers and web mutants... to play live with the full scope of contents available in the wideness of the web. Working for more than ten years as a new media curator, i have always been searching for appropriate contexts, ways, devices, situations to present the works of artists exploring and experimenting the internet as a creative space.
Although I have been avoiding the boring situation where the presentation of websites is reduced to a selection of links on a few machines placed somewhere in a venue, I have often had some feelings of unsatisfaction and frustration because exhibition situations often decrease this exciting feeling you get when we are on your own, in front of your computer, in your cosy environment… A web site presented outside the context of a personal browser on a small screen frequently looses some of its energy, its power because it was not meant to be shown in this situation.
> Entrevista a Anne Roquigny en QWARTZ.TV >>>>>> VER VIDEO sorry, it´s in french chéri(e)
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